Grief on the Playground

Ms. Johnson takes Ava on an adventure to learn about the grief roller coaster.

Ages 2 and up

This book is for everyone. Grief on the Playground is an easy to follow along story that shows components of the grief roller coaster. We recommend using this book as a guide while having those hard conversations with your young ones. Although this is a children’s book, I believe it is very beneficial to older kids and even adults. Grief is something that we all live through, ever lasting, and ever changing. To order your copy of Grief on the Playground, click the link below or find everywhere books are sold.

ISBN: 9781736898703 (hardcover)

ISBN: 9781736898710 (e-book)

Meet the Creators

Shanice McLeish


My favorite part of the experience has to be seeing the story evolve from start to finish. Maria set the most amazing illustrations which brought the story alive. It been the best part of this children’s book journey.

Maria Finocchiaro


One of my favorite parts of working on Grief on the Playground was imagining what Ava looked like, what her world and even how her imagination would appear was so fun!

See Her Work